October 3-5, 2014
Fear The Woods Information:
Address: 13 Reagan Road
Stockbridge, GA 30281
Website: www.fearthewoods.com
Email: yuleforest155@aol.com
Phone: 770-954-9356
If you dare, hop onboard the hayride and take a tour of the farm at night time. Find out what goes on after hours and why the farmer no longer works after the sun goes down. Mysterious events take place and there is no explanation as to why they happen. You are safe as long as you don’t venture too far from the group. So be sure to take this as your one and only warning.When you return from the woods, take a walk through our haunted barn that is sure to get your heart racing. Attractions include The SKINNER SHACK , BURIED ALIVE watch out for the HEADLESS HORSEMAN! New this year THe Frozen Room and the of Haunted Maze and The Junk Yard!!
For the more faint of heart, we have a Reptile exhibit full of exotic animals and creepy crawlies. (yes that includes those that may think they are to old to have this kind of fun)) as well as our Pumpkin Cannons.
$15.00 for Haunted House , Haunted Hayride and Trail . $15.00 Zombie Paintball Hayride . $ 25.00 combo
Haunted Barn Haunted Trail Haunted Hayride Frozen Room
Zombie Paintball Hayride Skinner Shack Buried Alive Room of Mazes!
Headless Horseman Pumpkin Cannons Reptile Exhibit Junk Yard!
Please no small Children!